EMP Migrate Command Line Utility

In this section:

About the EMP Migrate Command Line Utility

The Environment Manager Personalization Migrate Command Line Utility (EMP Migrate Command Line Utility) is a command line driven tool that allows user data to be copied from a source database to a target database, mapping user names to the target domain and adjusting saved registry settings accordingly. The utility contacts the respective databases directly and does not use existing personalization servers. The EMP Migrate Command Line Utility provides the same functionality as the EMP Migrate Utility.

The EMP Migrate Command Line Utility is located in the Tools installation folder and is run from the command prompt.

Run the EMP Migrate Command Line Utility

  1. Open the Run dialog and enter cmd.exe.
  2. Using the command prompt, navigate the Tools installation folder: %ProgramFiles%\AppSense\Environment Manager\Tools\
  3. Run the EMPMigrateCmd.exe together with the appropriate parameters as detailed in the table below.

EMP Migrate Command Line Utility Parameters

Parameters Input Arguments Parameter Details


n/a Outputs the help text to the console.
/sourcedb dbname The name of the source database.

This is a required parameter

/sourceinstance server[\instance] The server or instance name for the source database. The instance name is optional.

This is a required parameter.

/targetdb dbname The name of the target database.
/targetinstance server[\instance] The server or instance for the target database. The instance name is optional.

This is a required parameter.

/sourcewindowsauth true or false The authentication type used to connect to the source database:
  • true - use this argument to use the Windows authentication type.
  • false - use this argument to select the SQL authentication type.

If an argument is not specified Windows authentication is automatically used.

/sourcesqlusername username

The username for SQL authentication on the source database. If SQL authentication is required set the sourcewindowsauth parameter to false.

/sourcesqlpassword password

The password for SQL authentication on the source database. If SQL authentication is required set the sourcewindowsauth parameter to false.


true or false The authentication type used to connect to the target database:
  • true - use this argument to use the Windows authentication type.
  • false - use this argument to select the SQL authentication type.

If an argument is not specified Windows authentication is automatically used

/targetsqlusername username

The username for SQL authentication on the target database. If SQL authentication is required set the sourcewindowsauth parameter to false.

/targetsqlpassword password

The password for SQL authentication on the target database. If SQL authentication is required set the sourcewindowsauth parameter to false.

/domainmapping [current]|[map]|[nomap]

The type of mapping to apply for users to the new domain. If not specified this parameter defaults to current.

/mapto domainname

The target domain name if the mapto parameter is set to map.

/users [all]|[group]|[list] Specifies which users to migrate:
  • all - migrate all users.
  • group - migrate users in a personalization group.
  • list - migrate user listed to a specified file.

    This is a required parameter.

If duplicate users are found in the source database, only the most recent user will be migrated.

/usersgroup groupname

The name of the personalization group to migrate. Used when users is set to group.

/userlist listfile Full path to a file containing a list of users to migrate. Used then users is set to list.

The file path must be enclosed in quotation marks. Each user listed in the file must be on a separate line or in CSV format.

If a filename is specified without a path, the EMPMigrateCmd.exe working directory is assumed.

/options [replace],[ignoreglobal],[copyarchives],[copydiscovered] One or more of these options can be specified by comma separating parameters:
  • replace - this option replaces existing user data in the target database.
  • ignoreglobal - ignores differences in global data settings.
  • copyarchives - copies the user's archives together with their current data.
  • copydiscovered - copies the user's discovered applications.
/output outputfile The output location of the report file. When specifying the output path, the path name must be enclosed in quotation marks. If a path has not been specified, a default path of %USERPROFILE%\\Documents\\EMPMigrate.log is used.
/threads number

The number of threads used when migrating the data. A value of 0 forces the number of threads used to equal the processor count and is the default value.

Required Format of User Names

User names must match the dbo.User.Name field in the Source database. These are in the down-level logon name format as defined by Microsoft. For example, the format for the user, ExampleUser, in the local domain Ivanti.local is Ivanti\ExampleUser. Using the fully qualified Ivanti.local domain name causes the user to be ignored and not migrated. While technically correct, it does not correspond to the Name field specified in the database.

The User Principal Name (UPN) format is not supported.

Usage Scenarios and Solutions

The following scenarios demonstrate how the EMPMigrate Command Line Utility can be used. For the purpose of these scenarios SrcSql represents the source location and TgtSQL the target destination. Each scenario includes an outline of a task to be completed, followed by the command line solution.

Scenario One

Using Windows Authentication, you are required to migrate a Personalization Group called Prod Users to a new target location and replace existing user's data in the target database with from the source database. To migrate the group, you must check if the Personalization Group exists on your target location and check for no difference in the global data settings.


EMPMigrateCmd.exe /SourceInstance SrcSQL /SourceDB PSDB /TargetInstance TgtSQL /TargetDB PSDB /Users Group /UserGroup "Prod Users" /Options Replace

Scenario Two

Using Explicit SQL Credentials for both the Source and Target locations, you are required to migrate all users to a target location. The migration must replace existing Personalization Groups, ignoring any global data differences but must not map to a new domain.


EMPMigrateCmd.exe /SourceInstance SrcSQL /SourceDB PSDB /SourceSQLusername sa /SourceSQLPassword sourcePass /TargetInstance TgtSQL /TargetDB PSDB /TargetSQLUsername sa TargetSQLPassword targetPass /DomainMapping NoMap /Users All /Options Replace,IgnoreGlobal

Scenario Three

Using Windows Authentication in the source location, you are required to migrate a list of users found in c:\Temp\UserList.txt to a target location that requires explicit SQL credentials. The migration must replace existing Personalization Groups and include data for Discovered Applications. It must ignore any difference in global data settings but must not map to a new domain.


EMPMigrateCmd.exe /SourceInstance SrcSQL /SourceDB PSDB /TargetInstance TgtSQL /TargetDB PSDB /TargetSQLUsername sa /TargetSQLPassword targetPass /Users List /UserList "c:\Temp\UserList.txt" /Options Replace,IgnoreGlobal,CopyDiscovered

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